Dr. Christian Fredrick Samuel Hahnemann, a prodigy, was born at Meissen of Germany on the 10th day of April 1755. He lived in the days when general science was in infancy and medical science was almost non existent. The time was ripe for one who would discover the most rational principle of drug employment. The unprejudiced mind of Dr. Hahnemann stumbled upon the Law of Similia in 1870 and without the loss of a single drop of blood, without pricking a needle and without causing pain to anybody and keeping away from all bitterness, he constituted the curative system of medicine. i.e. Homoeopathy.
The clinical evidences accumulated since the year of discovery has proved the efficiency of Hahnemann Homoeopathy beyond the shadow of any doubt. Dr. Hahnemann, a constructive genius who never lived in vain, breathed his last on 2nd day of July 1843 in Paris, France..
Homoeopathy has been the protector of the health of the people throughout the universe and is nothing but a combination of the mind, body and spirit and has a very vast field of application .