The course for post graduation
This course is available at the Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research at Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar and at Akhandanand Ayurved college, Ahmedabad. There is a provision for 42 admissions every year at Jamnagar. Out of these 12 seats are reserved for Gujarat, 11 are for other states , 3 are for reserved categories from Gujarat and 3 are for reserved categories from other states, 5 are for Govt. of India sponsored candidates preferably teachers, 5 for Government of Gujarat sponsoed candidates by Government of Gujarat ( Director I.S.M.H.) preferably teachers and the remaining 3 are for foreign students. This P.G. course is offered in 13 subjects.
At Akhandanand Ayurved college, Ahmedabad, 5 students can be admitted. Here the only subject offered for P.G. is k.e. The admission to this course is provided through the Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar . The basic qualification for this course is graduation in Ayurved and one has to pass through an entrance test also. The entrance test is of objective type , with a negative marking system. The course duration is 3 years. On completion of the course, the degree M.D.(Ayu) is awarded.
The course of PhD.
The Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research , Jamnagar imparts Ph.D. level education in thirteen selected subjects under six teaching departments supported by six laboratories. The duration of this course is a minimum of 2 years. M.D. Ayurved candidate can join this course..
Ayurved Nursing course
This course is conducted at Akhandanand Ayurved Hospital, Ahmedabad and at Tapibai Govt.Ayurved Hospital , Bhavnagar with a view to providing specially trained nurses to the Govt. Ayurved Hospitals. Total seats at both the centres are 20 (10+10 ) . This course is conducted by State Ayurved Nursing Faculty, Gandhinagar and is of the duration of 3 years. Minimum qualification is std. XII . Standard XII with science subjects is given priority.
Ayurved Compounder course
This course is conducted at Govt. Ayurved college, Vadodara for the purpose of providing trained Ayurved compounders. There is provision to admit 30 students in this course of 1 year duration. The basic qualification for this course is std X with Sanskrit as a subject. This course has been ceased by the Govt. at present.